
Turkey launches its own Kijkwijzer

Hilversum, 1 May 2006
The Turkish Kijkwijzer is called ‘Clever Characters’ (Akilli Isaretler) and was introduced in Ankara at the end of April among great interest from the country’s national media. This Turkish classification system is based on the Dutch Kijkwijzer system. The development of the system was the result of an intensive cooperation by the Turkish Commissariat for the Media (RTUK) with NICAM and the Netherlands-Turkish consultancy Fatusch Producties. The Ministry of Economic Affairs provided financial support. 

Media interest in the introduction, at which NICAM director Wim Bekkers was one of the speakers, was great; a number of TV stations even broadcast the event live. 
The system will undergo testing in the months ahead, before being taken into use by the national public and commercial TV stations in September. The aim is for the regional and local broadcasters to then also participate. The distributors of cinema films are also to take the pictogrammes into use.


The website of the Turkish Kijkwijzer can be found on:


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